Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cinta Tak Bersyarat

Tak ada sedikitpun sesalku..
Tak bertahan dengan setiaku..
Walau di akhir jalan..
Ku harus melepaskan dirimu..

Ternyata tak mampu kau melupa..
Dalamnya cintaku yg hebat..
Hingga ada alasan bagimu..
Tuk tinggalkan setiamu ..

c/o Demi nama cinta..
Telah kupersembahkan hatiku hanya untukmu..
Tlah kujaga kejujuran dalam setiap nafasku..
Karna demi cinta..
Telah kurelakan kecewaku atas ingkarmu..
Sebab kumengerti cinta itu tak mesti memiliki..

**Andai saja bisa kau fahami..
Layaknya arti kasih sejati..
Karna cinta yg sungguh..
Tiada akan pernah mungkin bersyarat..

Ulang c/o & **
Ulang c/o

Ternyata tak mampu kau melupa..
Dalamnya cintaku yg hebat..

Ni bkn aq x sejiwng lirik lagu yg aq rase best la jgak..
Bile dihayati ok la..tapi..errrrghh..tah..x tau pe nk ckp..layan yo lah!hehe..

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ramadhan Dtg Agi!!!

Happy-nyerr ble tau dh msk Ramadhan..
Ramadhan ni la time aq nk memaafkn sume owg sekeliling aq..bkn Ramadhan..
Mse utk bersihkn jiwe..sucikn hati..tenangkn harap korg pon same la eik..manusie mmg slalu wt slh..cume..jgn la kte duk ulang the same mistake over n over again rite??tp x pe lah..x nk ckp byk 2day..
Cume 2 all Muslims around the world especially org2 t’dekat ngn aq la..mama..papa..Cece..Zaza..Nana..Leeza..sahabat2..kwn2..teman2..rakan2..bopren x pyh..(x de pown..hehehe)..cikgu2..bloggers2..& nk ucpkn slamat b’pose..InsyaAllah ibadat kte pada bulan yg penuh rahmat ini diterime Allah ye..Amin..

Peringatan..mse buke nnti jgn minum ice auw..nnti leh kene seseme..pastu mkn cukup syarat je la..x yh la mkn mcm nk qada’ mkn sebulan..hehehe..n don’t drink 2 much of water..nnti buncit..hehehe..carbonated drinks lg la..jgn pndg pown..(sbb if t’pndg confirm grab pnye la korg ni)..n..jgn jdkn pose sbgai alasan utk kte wt tugas2 harian..n aktiviti-aktiviti lain..bebanyakla amal jariah tuw..Insya Allah..klau kte tlg org..Allah akan tlg kte..mungkin kte x nmpk one day..kte akn tau hikmahnyer..Insya Allah..doa aq utk sume..hopefully pose this year x de la lompong2 eh..dak kecik 6 taun pon leh pose pnuh auw..malu ah kalau dh bosar pnjg pon x roti2 lg ann…hehe..

satu agi..nk mintak maap ngn korg..kalau rase2 mcm aq x lyn korg ke..senarnye aq bkn aq mlz nk ckp byk2..sometimes korg jln sebelah aq pon aq x pndg (actually x prasan)..x pasal org ckp aq kerek ari tu..agak terase gak la..(sensitive sgt la aq ni) mmg x ske tgk org time jln..masalah tol aq ni an??smpai ari tu t’miss cikgu aq time jln ke class..oopppsss..ari slase..cikgu2 pakai bju colour lbh kurg je cm x prasan plk tu cikgu =p..ngn slambernyer aq jln tanpe greet die..pastu aq mcm..eh2..tu mcm cikgu..skali pusing blakang..mmg nk wt cm ne??x sengaje..x kn aq nk jerit se-mate2 an??cukup la sekadar doakn ‘assalamualaikum’ tu dlm ati jew..cikgu..jgn kecik ati tau cikgu..ampun..saye x sengaje..hehehe..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eight Lies Of A Mother

This story begins when he was a child: he was born poor. Often they hadn't enough to eat. Whenever they had some food, Mother often gave him her portion of rice. While she was transferring her rice into his bowl, she would say 'Eat this rice, son! I'm not hungry.'
As he grew, Mother gave up her spare time to fish in a river near their house; she hoped that from the fish she caught, she could give him a little bit more nutritious food for his growth. Once she had caught just two fish, she would make fish soup. While he was eating the soup, mother would sit beside him and eat the what was still left on the bone of the fish he had eaten, My heart was touched when I saw it. Once he gave the other fish to her on his chopstick but she immediately refused it and said, 'Eat this fish, son! I don't really like fish.' THIS WAS MOTHER'S SECOND LIE
Then, in order to fund his education, Mother went to a Match Factory to bring home some used matchboxes, which she filled with fresh matchsticks. This helped her get some money to cover their needs. One wintry night he awoke to find Mother filling the matchboxes by candlelight. So he said, 'Mother, go to sleep; it's late: you can continue working tomorrow morning.' Mother smiled and said 'Go to sleep, son! I'm not tired.' THIS WAS MOTHER'S THIRD LIE
When he had to sit his Final Examination, Mother accompanied him. After dawn, Mother waited for him for hours in the heat of the sun. When the bell rang, he ran to meet her.. Mother embraced him and poured him a glass of tea that she had prepared in a thermos. The tea was not as strong as his Mother's love, Seeing Mother covered with perspiration, he at once gave her his glass and asked her to drink too. Mother said 'Drink, son! I'm not thirsty!'.
After his Father's death, Mother had to play the role of a single parent. She held on to her former job; she had to fund their needs alone. Thier family's life was more complicated. They suffered from starvation. Seeing their family's condition worsening, his kind Uncle who lived near his house came to help them solve their problems big and small. Their other neighbors saw that they were poverty stricken so they often advised his mother to marry again. But Mother refused to remarry saying 'I don't need love.'
After he had finished his studies and gotten a job, it was time for his old Mother to retire but she carried on going to the market every morning just to sell a few vegetables. He kept sending her money but she was steadfast and even sent the money back to him. She said, 'I have enough money.'
He continued his part-time studies for his Master's Degree. Funded by the American Corporation for which he worked, he succeeded in his studies. With a big jump in his salary, he decided to bring Mother to enjoy life in America but Mother didn't want to bother her son; she said to him 'I'm not used to high living.'
In her dotage, Mother was attacked by cancer and had to be hospitalized. Now living far across the ocean, he went home to visit Mother who was bedridden after an operation. Mother tried to smile but he was heartbroken because she was so thin and feeble but Mother said, 'Don't cry, son! I'm not in pain.'
Telling him this, her eighth lie, she died. YES, MOTHER WAS AN ANGEL!
M - O - T - H - E - R
'M' is for the Million things she gave me,
'O' means Only that she's growing old, 'T'
is for the Tears she shed to save me, 'H'
is for her Heart of gold,
'E' is for her Eyes with love-light shining in them,
'R' means Right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell 'MOTHER' a word that means the world to me.For those of you who are lucky to be still blessed with your Mom's presence on Earth, this story is beautiful. For those who aren't so blessed, cherish and remember what sacrifices she did for you.